1) Debunked - Making a claim will increase your premium:
This is not guaranteed. Your premium is calculated by the insurer on an array of different factors. A potential increase in premium shouldn't act as a deterrent for making a claim for your damaged roof.
The myth that making a claim will always increase your insurance premium is simply not true. The impact varies depending on the type of insurance, fault, claim frequency, and insurer policies. Not-at-fault claims and first-time claims may not raise premiums, and comprehensive coverage might have different rules. State regulations and your personal claims history also play a role. Always check your policy and discuss concerns with your insurer for a clear understanding.
Hail dents don't cause structural damage: This may be the case in some cases, however the damaged area of your home isn't in the condition it was prior to the event occurring .If an event has occurred and caused damaged to your home, irrelevant of how significant the damage is, the insured is entitled to received a fair and reasonable settlement.
2) Debunked - Hail dents don't cause structural damage:
This myth is not accurate, as hail dents can indeed cause structural damage to vehicles or properties. While hailstones might seem relatively small and harmless, they can have a significant impact when they fall from great heights and at high speeds during a severe hailstorm. Here are the reasons why hail dents can cause structural damage:
Impact Force: Hailstones can strike surfaces with considerable force, especially during severe storms. The kinetic energy of hailstones hitting a vehicle or building can cause dents and create damage to the surface and underlying structures.
Vulnerable Materials: Many vehicles and properties have surfaces made of materials like metal, aluminium, or even roofing materials like asphalt shingles. These materials are susceptible to dents and can be easily damaged by the impact of hailstones.
Weakening of Protective Layers: Hail dents can compromise the protective layers of a surface. For instance, in the case of a car, the paint layer might be damaged, leading to exposure of the metal underneath, making it more susceptible to rust and corrosion over time.
Structural Integrity: Even seemingly minor dents can weaken the structural integrity of a vehicle or building. In the case of cars, the dents can affect the aerodynamics and safety features. For buildings, hail damage to the roof can lead to leaks and water damage, affecting the structural stability.
Recognition: Insurance companies recognise hail damage as a legitimate cause for claims because it can indeed lead to structural problems, both in vehicles and properties.
3) Debunked - The roof is too old to be replaced!:Â
Roof age may matter, however, if the roof is well maintained and damage has occurred from the hail storm, then the client is more than entitled to have their damages covered, no matter the age.
4) Debunked - I don't see any damage to the roof, it must be fine:
Viewing your roof from ground level isn’t a fair indication of what damages could've occurred during a storm event. An inspection by a trained professional who is trained to determine the difference between hail damage and damages from other activities (wear and tear/foot traffic) will be the best way to determine if the hail event has caused damage to your roof.
5) Debunked - Hailstones are too small to cause damage:
This is not true, even small hail stones can cause damage. When hailstones fall from the sky at high speeds they can impact surfaces with severe force, causing dents, cracks, and other forms of damage.
Conclusion: Peace of mind, Free property inspections:
If a neighbouring property has damage, so does yours - Not necessarily, due to its sporadic nature there are no guarantees that because your neighbours property was damaged that there is damage to your property. This is where our free roof inspections help.